管理番号 | 新品 :36337846 | 発売日 | 2024/06/12 | 定価 | 33,000円 | 型番 | 36337846 | ||
カテゴリ |
【商品名】商品番号F01733メーカー名CISCO品名/型番Catalyst 6500 シリーズ スイッチ WS-C6504-E【商品状態】 動作確認初期化済み 搭載OSVersion 12.2(33)SXJ2 コンディション簡易的な清掃を行った、中古品になりますので、細かい傷や、若干の変色等の使用感や落としきれない汚れ等がございます。ご了解うえ、入札をお願いいたします。付属品VS-S720-10G 5 ports Supervisor Engine 720 10GE Rev. 4.1 モジュール ×1WS-X6708-10GE CEF720 8 port 10GE with DFC Rev. 3.3 モジュール ×1WS-X6724-SFP CEF720 24 port 1000mb SFP Rev. 5.1 モジュール ×1X2-10GB-SR モジュール ×5X2-10GB-LR モジュール ×1GLC-SX-MM 1000BASE-SX SFP モジュール ×4固定金具・ネジ ※電源ケーブル、取扱説明書等はありませんその他詳しいスペックはメーカーサイトにてご確認ください。
→ https://www.cisco.com/c/ja_jp/support/switches/catalyst-6504-e-switch/model.html装置情報ログRouter#show version
Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-IPSERVICESK9_WAN-M), Version 12.2(33)SXJ2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 14-Dec-11 19:51 by prod_rel_team ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(17r)SX7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Router uptime is 2 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 3 minutes
Time since Router switched to active is 2 minutes
System returned to ROM bypower cycle at 03:53:28 UTC Fri Jul 8 2022 (SP by power on)
System image file is "sup-bootdisk:s72033-ipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ2.bin"
Last reload reason: reload This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
http://www.cisco.com/wwl/export/crypto/tool/stqrg.html If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
export@cisco.com. cisco WS-C6504-E (R7000) processor (revision 2.0) with 983008K/65536K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FOX1550H49T
SR71000 CPU at 600Mhz, Implementation 0x504, Rev 1.2, 512KB L2 Cache
Last reset from s/w reset
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
27 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
10 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
1917K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8192K bytes of packet buffer memory. 65536K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K).
Configuration register is 0x2102 Router#
Router#show inventory
NAME: "WS-C6504-E", DESCR: "Cisco Systems Cisco 6500 4-slot Chassis System"
PID: WS-C6504-E,VID: V01, SN: FOX1550H49T NAME: "CLK-7600 1", DESCR: "OSR-7600 Clock FRU 1"
PID: CLK-7600,VID:, SN: NWG1543044N NAME: "CLK-7600 2", DESCR: "OSR-7600 Clock FRU 2"
PID: CLK-7600,VID:, SN: NWG1543044N NAME: "1", DESCR: "VS-S720-10G 5 ports Supervisor Engine 720 10GE Rev. 4.1"
PID: VS-S720-10G,VID: V06, SN: SAL1752JHFG NAME: "msfc sub-module of 1", DESCR: "VS-F6K-MSFC3 MSFC3 Daughterboard Rev. 5.1"
PID: VS-F6K-MSFC3,VID: V06, SN: SAL1752JDJY NAME: "VS-F6K-PFC3C Policy Feature Card 3 sub-module of 1", DESCR: "VS-F6K-PFC3C Policy Feature Card 3 Rev. 1.2"
PID: VS-F6K-PFC3C,VID: V02, SN: SAL1752JHAH NAME: "Transceiver Te1/4", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te1/4"
PID: X2-10GB-SR,VID: V06 , SN: FNS1603184A NAME: "Transceiver Te1/5", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te1/5"
PID: X2-10GB-SR,VID: V06 , SN: FNS160311LN NAME: "2", DESCR: "WS-X6708-10GE CEF720 8 port 10GE with DFC Rev. 3.3"
PID: WS-X6708-10GE,VID: V11, SN: SAL160741XE NAME: "WS-F6700-DFC3C Distributed Forwarding Card 3 sub-module of 2", DESCR: "WS-F6700-DFC3C Distributed Forwarding Card 3 Rev. 1.5"
PID: WS-F6700-DFC3C,VID: V03, SN: SAL16074140 NAME: "Transceiver Te2/1", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-LR Te2/1"
PID: X2-10GB-LR,VID: V05 , SN: AGA1619X38W NAME: "Transceiver Te2/3", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te2/3"
PID: X2-10GB-SR,VID: V06 , SN: FNS160124LE NAME: "Transceiver Te2/5", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te2/5"
PID: X2-10GB-SR,VID: V06 , SN: FNS160313AE NAME: "Transceiver Te2/8", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te2/8"
PID: X2-10GB-SR,VID: V06 , SN: FNS1603139M NAME: "3", DESCR: "WS-X6724-SFP CEF720 24 port 1000mb SFP Rev. 5.1"
PID: WS-X6724-SFP,VID: V08, SN: SAL161066UF NAME: "WS-F6700-DFC3C Distributed Forwarding Card 3 sub-module of 3", DESCR: "WS-F6700-DFC3C Distributed Forwarding Card 3 Rev. 1.5"
PID: WS-F6700-DFC3C,VID: V03, SN: SAL1629HH4C NAME: "FAN-MOD-4HS 1", DESCR: "High Speed Fan Module for CISCO7604 1"
PID: FAN-MOD-4HS,VID: V01, SN: DCH16010019 NAME: "PS 1 PWR-2700-AC/4", DESCR: "2700W AC power supply for CISCO7604 1"
PID: PWR-2700-AC/4,VID: V02, SN: APS16040095 NAME: "PS 2 PWR-2700-AC/4", DESCR: "2700W AC power supply for CISCO7604 2"
PID: PWR-2700-AC/4,VID: V02, SN: APS160200Z4 Router#
Router#show env
environmental alarms:
no alarms backplane:
operating clock count: 2
operating fan count: 1
fan-tray 1:
fan-tray 1 type: FAN-MOD-4HS
fan-tray 1 mode: High-power
fan-tray 1 fan-fail: OK
VTT 1:
VTT 1: not available
VTT 2:
VTT 2: not available
VTT 3:
VTT 3: not available
clock 1:
clock 1 OK: OK, clock 1 clock-inuse: in-use
clock 2:
clock 2 OK: OK, clock 2 clock-inuse: not-in-use
power-supply 1:
power-supply 1 fan-fail: OK
power-supply 1 power-input: AC low
power-supply 1 power-output-mode: low
power-supply 1 power-output-fail: OK
power-supply 2:
power-supply 2 fan-fail: OK
power-supply 2 power-input: AC low
power-supply 2 power-output-mode: low
power-supply 2 power-output-fail: OK
module 1:
module 1 power-output-fail: OK
module 1 outlet temperature: 33C
module 1 inlet temperature: 24C
module 1 device-1 temperature: 30C
module 1 device-2 temperature: 32C
module 1 asic-1 temperature: 52C
module 1 asic-3 temperature: 39C
module 1 asic-4 temperature: 47C
module 1 RP outlet temperature: 32C
module 1 RP inlet temperature: 31C
module 1 EARL outlet temperature: 32C
module 1 EARL inlet temperature: 26C
module 2:
module 2 power-output-fail: OK
module 2 outlet temperature: 34C
module 2 inlet temperature: 29C
module 2 aux-1 temperature: 33C
module 2 aux-2 temperature: 33C
module 2 asic-1 temperature: 54C
module 2 asic-2 temperature: 52C
module 2 EARL outlet temperature: 29C
module 2 EARL inlet temperature: 28C
module 3:
module 3 power-output-fail: OK
module 3 outlet temperature: 27C
module 3 inlet temperature: 27C
module 3 device-1 temperature: 25C
module 3 device-2 temperature: 29C
module 3 EARL outlet temperature: 29C
module 3 EARL inlet temperature: 28C chassis connector rating: 1302.00 Watts (31.00 Amps @ 42V)
chassis auxiliary connector rating: 2399.88 Watts (57.14 Amps @ 42V)
module 1
module 1 connector rating: 1260.00 Watts (30.00 Amps @ 42V)
module 1 power consumption:338.10 Watts ( 8.05 Amps @ 42V)
module 2
module 2 connector rating: 2016.00 Watts (48.00 Amps @ 42V)
module 2 power consumption:444.36 Watts (10.58 Amps @ 42V)
module 3
module 3 connector rating: 2016.00 Watts (48.00 Amps @ 42V)
module 3 power consumption:162.96 Watts ( 3.88 Amps @ 42V) chassis per slot cooling capacity: 100 cfm
ambient temperature: < 55C
module 1 cooling requirement: 35 cfm
module 2 cooling requirement: 84 cfm
module 3 cooling requirement: 70 cfm Router#商品保証●動作品の保証は商品到着後七日間以内となります。
明らかな掲載情報の間違い 初期不良が有りました場合は返品等の対応をさせて頂きます。保証内容に付きましては下記注意事項内の「初期不良・返品について」にてご確認ください。商品状態に記載のある症状や破損等も保証の対象外となります。検査時に確認出来たものについては記載いたしますが
保証の対象外とさせて頂きます。発送こちらの商品は C サイズでの発送となります。発送後不良品以外に、発送業者による紛失、破損など及びその他如何なる状況であっても、こちらでは一切の対応を致しませんので、ご容赦下さい。※運送会社の指定はできません。 注意事項 落札後、Yahooからの自動メールに落札商品情報のリンクが張られております。
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